
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

❤baby color super yogut in blue❤ review ❤

hello girls :)
how are you today :)
i wish you guys have amazing day :)

today i wanna share to you a review about my new favourite color contact lens

as you know i'm a person that scary to try color contact lens >_<
because i ever buy nude brown contact lens and that contact lens make my face look so scary >_< and then  end up i never using that anymore :(
after that happens i never buy any color  contact lens again,because i feel scary when i see my self in the mirror,cause its look like thats not me  >_< lol
do you every get same experiance ? 

anyway black color contact lens was become my favourite color all the time
i'am almost 4 year i always wear black contact lens
because i think black color look more natural and look like a real eyes

but this time i decide to try new color contact lens
i wanna try new eyes color ,and get new look >_<

because i am wanna get new contact lens  i remember that i have 1 friend friend that selling a lot beauty color soft lens  ,she have online shop that selling a lot beautiful soft lens ,
she have a lot korean and japanese soflens that was hits at this timing

and i decide to try blue color contact lens 
why ? because i think blue color is pretty and i think dark blue will look more natural then brown 

actually i was scared when i order it
i scary if this softlens will make my face look scary again like my past experience lol

but because i already try this brand before so i wish  and i am sure its not gonna be scary 

so now i am gonna make a review about this soft lens that i bought 

i am choosing baby color super yogurt brand in blue

its come with cute case hahah

so this is the color contact  lens :)

and here the detail about the soft lens

i can said this contact lens is super duper comfortable
because i am already using this brand for 4 year
i am using black color before :) 

maybe because of the   nanopore technology 
its really really comfortable even you are using it for 12 hours or more
its so perfect because you won't feel anything.its just like your real eyes 
you know the diameter of this contact lens is huge 21.8 usually diameter of normal color contact lens only 14.00 or ,16.00
but this contact lens 21,8 >_< 

so if you are finding a soft lens with huge diameter ,this brand is the best because even huge its really comfortable
it's just feel like you doesn't wear any contact lens
amazing right ?

and huge eyes will make your face looking more cute hahaha

lets open the lens and see how its look like 

this is the back side of the color contact lens
the back side  color is more light than the front side


and this is the front part 
the design of the contact lens so beautiful ,like a flower 

when i wear it its look pretty natural 
like this : 

not that natural actually not like black 
but its pretty cool 
i really love the result of blue color of this contact lens ,so natural and pretty 
okay i will show you more close 

i take this picture when i am in the car ,when i am on the way to buy  my breakfast :P 
the blue color still look natural i think 
even you can see the flower desigen but its still looking prettu natural 

 and ..... its still looking good even if i am not wear makeup 

because some of softlens color will look not fresh without make up ,
do you get what i mean ? :D

and here some close up example about how its look like in real life 
ps: this picture is take with iphone camera no effect without edit 

in the picture number 1 : 
its was how this contact lens look like when i am in the car with light on in the night time 

in the picture number 2:
its was how this contact lens look like when i am in the room with the light on in the night time 

in the picture number 3:
its was how this contact lens look like when i am in the room with the light off in the morning 

in the picture number 4: 
its was how this contact lens look like when i am in the outside for fishing LOL 

so how is it ? 
do you like this color contact lens ? 

if you are interest to get same color contact lens  as mine 
you can contact : 

Ask & Order:
• Whatsapp: 081320539069
• Line : lydiayunita
• Kakaotalk: lydiayunita

okay love thank you so much for reading my blog and visit my blog 
i wish you guys enjoy the review :) 
anyway i will be back very soon with my another post :* 
see you :* 

see you next time :* 

chandra chen yee 

Sunday, August 2, 2015

flowerpot ice cream ╭(•ˆ ▽ ˆ•)╭ ·٠•●♥ \(≧▽≦)/

hello eveyone :)
how are you today :) i wish you guys have amaizng day :)
today i wanna blogging about food

who like ice cream ?  :D hahaha
i am sure almost eveyone in this world was really in love with ice cream
because ice cream taste was so soft,cremmy,and sweet (heavn)

and i am was a big fans of ice cream :D >////<

that why no matter where i am going to travel i am always visit ice cream cafe

like ice cream toilet in Malaysia Kuala Lumpur :) i go there to try their cutie toilet ice cream hahah

and today i was found a unique ice cream

that is .....
flowerpot ice cream 

aren't it look like real ?!!!!

i was really really shock when i see it because its look so real plant  with real strawberries >///<
this is was so aweome

look at this

aren't it look like real ? look like strawberry plant

when i order it my estimation the ice cream not gonna be looking so real like this ,
i think the plant is from plastic (fake flower) ,like when i buy ice cream plant in singapore the pant was from plastic the flower also from platic
but in this ice creampot everyting was so real ,the strawberry ,the plant,the ground,the worms omg

i will show you more close

Look at the worms >_<

ewwwwwwww hahahahaa
but guys the worms was made from chocholate jelly and its taste good actualy hahaha

but the worms really look like real because its really long and small and wet and soft omg
its just tooo real !!!!!!

look at this >_< i take the picture so close so that you can see it so clear >_<
see the worms look wet and the worm so long somemore omg >_<

and because the worms was made from jelly sure its  wet so when u eat the ice cream the worms will mix with the ground >_<and its really look like there is a worm inside your ice cream hahaha :P

and i am sure you was asking "what's the ground made from ?"

its was made from brownies cookies

so the ground was made from cookies which already smoothed

you know brownise cookies ? :)
because brownise cookies color is  more like ground
so brownise cookies was perfect for the ground part
 it's make the flower ice cream pot become look so  real


sure in the  under brownise cookies  there  is super delicious vanila ice cream hahaha 

yummmy :P

so after all 
my opinon about this flowerpot ice cream is 


creative because look so real 

and that was amazing :) and the ice cream also yummy ;) 

but at the same time its a bit disgusting because the worms hahahaha
because i'm personally  scary with worms >_< 
but  this  jelly worms also taste good ;) 

the worms look like real arent it ? hahahahah 
i can said its look a litte bit extreme but its taste good :)  hahaha

dont worry about it ,if its will be disgsuting or not 
because its really taste good guys trust me ! :) 

you  must try ! :) 

i think this for now :) 
i wish you guys enjoy this blog post :) and i wish you enjoy the picture as well :) 
i will back to you soon :) ^O^/ 
back with another new post ^_^ 
have a good day eveyone :) 
bye bye :*
chandra chen yee 

Saturday, August 1, 2015

reality of life (sad but true) ◔ ̯ ◔

hello eveyone ^^
how are you today
i wish you guys have amazing day

today is public holiday in my country so finally i have time to update my blog after alot things happen this day ..
anyway today i really wanna talking about reality of life

i know no body is perfect in this world and there is alot thing that was make this world tecnology and other .
i know some of you already feel it and i am sure some of already notice it .

so today i wanna blog about some example reality of life  that was happen in this world ...the reason why i wanna blog about it because i want to remain us for always take care our beloved world

alright like in this picture
in the fact there is alot people that build big company in this world
but ...when that company starting to make some of their  produce , and then their machine will create pollution..... can u imagine a lot of air  pollution evey day ...
there is alot of pollution while..... there is  only a little bit of three in this world nowday ,
yes we only have a little bit of three nowday because  a lot of illegal logging......

illegal logging ....yes this is the fact .... alot of people do illegal logging this day
can u imagine what will happen if alot of people do illegal logging ? its will be really dangrous for our world ,,,,T_T #stopillegallogging

and in this picture
this is the trend now ,a lot of people cannot leave without their phone ,
even some of people said they wanna die if their phone off or their internet off ,
even kid stuck with phone or ipad to play game .
but the fact if you are always busy play with your phone its will make your relationship with people around you become bad ...

it doesn't wrong if you always busy with your phone ,because you also can working using technology this day ,like checking your online shop if you are have online shop or maybe sending e-mail to your teacher or playing game when you are bored

but dont forget your reality of life .care your reality life as well :)

next is this picture
what do you think about this picture ?
when i saw this picture what is my brain is ,
" a person that will do everyting to be rich ,and they dosen't care about the risk behind  that job ,i mean the "job" that they did"

okay i have simple story ..well because i also have some business so i know a little bit about it ,i mean a person that will do everything just to get what they want ,...because i ever meet one of them before ..
so ...
i have my own boutique ,i desigen all the dress by my self ,and some of my reader was become my loyal customers^_^
and then i have 1 friend ,she also a blogger and she know that  i can earn a lot of money from open boutique,so she also open a boutique...
but the dress that she sell ,she get it  in traditional market market ,with hope she can get a lot profit,because u know buy dress in tradisional market is really cheep ,and she sell that dress  with high price .
and u know a lot of her coustomers that said her dress has  really low quality ,and i think so too.
why i said it low quality because the dress material can't absorb sweat so when you wear it you will feel really really hot ,,,even not every dress that buy in traditional market is bad quality .  but the dress that she take has really bad material

i think coustomers know what is the best quality and bad qulaity ,they will buy expesif dress with best queality not expensif dress with low quality ,no body wanna buy expensif dress with low quality ...right ?

after she have a lot complain from her coustomers ,she close her boutique,but i think when she close her boutique she really hate me ..
she hate me because all her coustomers said that dress in my boutique is high quality and nice and its better then her old boutique.
and then she talk bad about my boutique,she look like  reallly gonna do eveyting to broke my business ,because she  want her boutique stand again and be  number 1 and have more   costumer.
but the fact.....if you sell bad quality no matter what's  will be really hard for you to get loyal  cosutumer ..
 right guys ?

how about this picture ?
yesssss its reality of life ...
you can understand this picture because i am sure eveyone ever feel it

but even we have alot of presure, a lot of probem  in this world
i still think life in this world its really beautiful ,because we have family that love us ,freind that love us ,and sure parent that really love us ,,,,and still a  lot people hat suport us ,family ,friend ,bestfriend

and as long as we respect each other ,understand  each other, didn't juged each other we will have beautiful life

so remember be nice ,be kind ,be humble ,and always respect each other because we only life once ^O^

okay guys this is some example of reality of life
actually there is still a lot of example of reality of life but i just give you guys some example :)

i wish you guys enjoy this blog post :)
and thank you for keep visiting my blog ,sorry i was gone for a longtime because i really have something to do :)
and thank you for your understanding ;)

i will talk to you guys latter :*
bye bye :*

chandra chen yee